Fortnite-palvelimet ovat edelleen alhaalla uuden kauden kynnyksellä. Lue lisää siitä, mitä tiedämme!
Epic Gamesin suositun videopelin, Fortniten, palvelimet ovat yhä alhaalla juuri ennen pelin Chapter 5: Season 2:n julkaisua. Pelaajat odottavat jännittyneinä palvelinten uudelleenkäynnistymistä. Pitkään odotettu uusi kausi on aiheuttanut odotetun teknisen huollon ja huolenaiheita siitä, milloin pelaajat pääsevät palaamaan taistelukentälle. Fortnite-yhteisö on jännityksessä siitä, milloin peliin palataan normaalisti ja mitä uutta kautta tuo tullessaan. Tiedotuskanavat ovat hiljentyneet, kun odotamme tietoa palvelinten tilanteesta.
The server for the popular video game Fortnite is still down just before the launch of Chapter 5: Season 2 of the game. Epic Games, owner of Fortnite, ...
Epic Games' popular online game Fortnite is down for maintenance ahead of the new season. Here's what we know.
We've got you covered on whether Fortnite is down, plus any communications from Epic Games about when to expect normal service to resume.
Why are the Fortnite servers down? When does Chapter 5 Season 2 start? Here's what we know. Chad Murphy. Cincinnati Enquirer. Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 ...
Find out what the Fortnite server status for Chapter 5 Season 2 is currently and how long it will take for the new season to launch fully.
UPDATE 3: Fortnite fans have been given some bad news, as Epic Games extends server downtime by a whopping 8-hours. Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 2 was ...
Fortnite downtime typically lasts around four to six hours, however this issue has caused Epic Games to extend the downtime by eight hours at least.
Epic Games' popular online game Fortnite is down for maintenance ahead of the new season. Here's what we know.
Epic usually takes the servers down at 3AM ET to prepare for a big update, but then the battle royale game never came back online, with messages saying the work ...
No, it's not just you – Fortnite users are experiencing an outage as they try to play the popular online game.
No, it's not just you – Fortnite users are experiencing an outage as they try to play the popular online game.
"Myths & Mortals" is the title for the new season, which introduces Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Medusa and more. Along with the gods and goddesses, Fortnite added ...
Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 1 ended Friday, March 8. Updates began to install Chapter 5, Season 2, but players had to endure server outages and long queue ...