Facebook ja Instagram kärsivät laajasta käyttökatkoksesta, joka on saanut käyttäjät huolestumaan. Lue lisää!
Facebook ja Instagram kohtasivat laajan käyttökatkoksen, joka hämmensi käyttäjiä ympäri maailmaa. Ongelmat alkoivat aamulla aiheuttaen käyttäjille vaikeuksia kirjautua sosiaalisen median alustoille.
Katkoksen aikana jopa 500 000 Facebookin käyttäjää raportoi ongelmista kirjautumisessa ja sivuston käytössä. Tämä herätti huolta ja hämmennystä monissa käyttäjissä, jotka olivat tottuneet jatkuvaan verkkoyhteyteen.
Meta, Facebookin omistaja, vahvisti ongelmat ja tiedotti käyttäjilleen teknisen häiriön aiheuttamista haasteista. Monet käyttäjät pelkäsivät tietoturvaongelmia, mutta Meta rauhoitteli tilannetta ja lupasi ratkaista ongelmat mahdollisimman nopeasti.
Lopulta Facebook ja Instagram palasivat toimintaan yli kahden tunnin katkoksen jälkeen. Tämä korosti sosiaalisen median suurten alustojen haavoittuvuutta ja käyttäjäriippuvuutta.
Is Facebook down today? Users report session expired. Instagram, Threads, Messenger also having issues. C. A. Bridges Cheryl McCloud. USA TODAY NETWORK - ...
As many as 500,000 Facebook users had reported issues logging in or accessing the site as of mid-morning Eastern Time on Tuesday, according to outage tracker ...
Meta's social media platforms Instagram, Facebook and Threads were down for many users Tuesday morning.
Facebook went down for some users on Super Tuesday as polls begin to open on one of the biggest election days of the year.
Facebook and Instagram users are reporting they were booted out of the social media platforms and are unable to log back in.
"We're aware people are having trouble accessing our services," a Meta spokesperson said on X.
If you were just abruptly kicked out of your Instagram or Facebook Tuesday and are unable to log back in, you are not the only one.
Facebook and Instagram are both down, leading many users to worry they have been hacked. Here's what you need to know.
Meta-owned Facebook and Instagram were back up on Tuesday after a more than two-hour outage that was caused by a technical issue and impacted hundreds of ...
Users are unable to log on to Facebook, Instagram, and other Meta platforms. Chris Morris. Facebook did a face-plant Tuesday morning, as hundreds ...
London-based internet monitoring firm Netblocks said the issues appeared to be "related to login sessions in multiple countries.”
Facebook, Instagram and other Meta apps saw widespread technical problems Tuesday, with thousands of users reporting errors accessing the services.
The platforms returned to service shortly after noon. Meta spokesperson Andy Stone tweeted on X, formerly known as Twitter, "Earlier today, a technical issue ...
Facebook and Instagram went down yesterday, leading many users to worry they have been hacked. Here's what you need to know.
There's a lot of important information sitting in our Facebook and Instagram accounts these days, from baby photos to private messages, that can be used to ...
Having problems accessing Facebook, Instagram, and Threads? You aren't alone.
It's a slow sports day so I wanted to share something from a community group out here in the burbs. There's talk of filling a mostly-empty shopping center ...
When asked, a Cyberint official declined further comment. 500K Facebook Users, Others Impacted. According to Downdetector, a website outage checker, more than ...
Speaking at Morgan Stanley's tech conference in San Francisco, Alison said the model is part of Meta's “technology roadmap that goes to 2026.” Meta CEO Mark ...
Some users speculated ...
Apple stock fell again, leaving investors to wonder when the iPhone maker's shares will bottom out. Stock charts can help answer that question.
(NEXSTAR) – For about 90 minutes Tuesday morning, Facebook and Instagram users found themselves locked out of the social media platforms.
California's attorney general is putting pressure on Facebook over an issue Call Kurtis first exposed more than a year ago.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg has made his efficiency mantra permanent, leading to incremental cuts at Meta this year.