Karkauspäivä 2024 tarjoaa runsaasti ilmaisia herkkuja ja erikoistarjouksia! Kuule NPR-kuuntelijoiden vinkit ja opi lisää karkausvuoden taustasta.
Karkauspäivä 2024, 29. helmikuuta, tarjoaa poikkeuksellisia tarjouksia ja ilmaisia herkkuja monissa yrityksissä. Rakenna oma 'Build-A-'... -herkkusi tai nauti herkullisista tarjoiluista ravintoloissa kuten Burger King, Chipotle ja Krispy Kreme. Mutta miten voit hyödyntää karkauspäivää parhaiten? NPR-kuuntelijoilla on muutamia loistavia ideoita yksilöllisten virstanpylväiden juhlistamiseen.
Koittaa karkauspäivä vain kerran neljässä vuodessa. Miten aiot viettää sen? Tässä inspiraatiota ihmisten juhlistamilta henkilökohtaisilta merkkipäiviltä. Lisäksi selvitetään, mitä karkausvuodet merkitsevät ja miten ne syntyivät varmistamaan kalenteriemme yhteneväisyyden maapallon kiertoradan kanssa. Edellinen karkausvuosi oli vuonna 2020, joten nauti täysillä karkauspäivän tarjouksista ja ilmaisherkuista 2024!
Karkausvuosi on tapa standardoida vuoden päivien määrä. Karkauspäivät ovat olleet erityisesti juhlimisen arvoisia niiden erityisyyden vuoksi. Philadelphia jopa pyrkii korvaamaan 1440 menetettyä minuuttia karkauspäivänä 2024. Ja kun vuonna 2024 on karkausvuosi, ne, jotka ovat syntyneet karkauspäivänä, saavat vihdoin juhlia jälleen! Katso, miten NJ:n karkauspäivän vauvat aikovat juhlistaa tätä harvinaista päivää.
LOUIS — In celebration of Leap Day, Feb. 29, that comes around only once every four years, some businesses are offering free treats and special deals. Build-A- ...
We get a leap day only every four years. How will you spend it? Here's some inspiration from people celebrating all sorts of personal milestones — and those ...
Here are all the best food deals, discounts and freebies on leap day, Thursday, February 29, from restaurant chains like Burger King, Chipotle and Krispy ...
From Buffalo Wild Wings and Chuck E. Cheese to Hooters and Wendy's, check out these leap day 2024 deals.
Leap Day falls on Friday, Feb. 29 in 2024. Here's what leap years do and how they were created.
A leap day ensures our calendars align with Earth's orbit. The previous leap year was 2020.
On Thursday, we get to celebrate an “extra” day – leap day – and restaurant chains are right there to offer deals in honor of leap year.
Here's a roundup of the best free or discounted food, activities and products you can get on Leap Day in 2024.
A leap year is a way to standardize the number of days in a given year. Throughout their existence, leap years have been associated with special observances on ...
There's an extra day on the calendar in 2024. Here's where you can get freebies and discounts on Thursday, Feb. 29.
After four years and 2.3 billion miles over four laps around the sun, we get a lost day back.
Since 2024 is a leap year, those born on leap day finally get to celebrate again. Here's what some local and worldwide leaplings will be doing.
This year is a leap year, meaning Feb. 29 was added as the 366th day on the calendar. Here's what to know about its meaning, origin, deals and more.
It's a Leap Year and Thursday marks Leap Day – Feb. 29 – the date that appears on our calendar every four years. Each Leap Day comes with unique traditions ...
Whether you're looking to save on your next meal or your next vacation, you won't want to skip over these leap day deals.
Thursday is February 29 -- a day that mostly occurs every four years -- and you can celebrate Leap Day with some deals.
Retailers are giving away all sorts of things on Leap Day. Getty Images. It's not your imagination, February was a long month this year—longer, ...
Thursday is February 29 -- a day that mostly occurs every four years -- and you can celebrate Leap Day with some deals.
After four long years, leap day is finally here, as are its deals from brands like Adidas, Jetblue and more.
Jump into once-in-a-leap-year deals at businesses across Western Washington Thursday.
Here's the science and math behind leap day · That's why there's another rule about adding days: If a year is divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400, then we ...
Leap Day babies and non-Leaplings alike, here's a list of discounts and deals you can snag on Feb. 29. Act fast or you'll miss out until 2028.
Babies Lily and Jackson are some of the newest members of an exclusive birthday club. Lily was UConn Health's first birth on this leap day.
The chances of being born on a Leap Day are only one in 1,461 or .068%. Babies born on Leap Day are referred to as "leaplings" or "leapers." Less than ...
MACON, Ga. (WGXA) -- Just about every four years, February 29 shows up on the calendar. This is a leap day that has layers of history and science behind it.
"It's just a once in every four year thing, it's just very special," said Sarah Holtz, alongside her soon-to-be husband, Jordan Calo. The couple made the trip ...
Hospitals around the country adorned newborns in cute froggy outfits to celebrate their rare Feb. 29 birthday.
Holy Name and Hackensack hospitals were among the New Jersey facilities to welcome leap day babies born Thursday.