Albert Einstein

2024 - 2 - 27

Historiallinen lahjoitus tekee lääketieteen opiskelusta ilmaista New Yorkin lääketieteellisessä korkeakoulussa

Einstein Albert Einstein College of Medicine - lahjoitus - lääketieteellinen koulutus - opiskelu - Ruth Gottesman - Einstein

Miljardin dollarin lahjoitus mahdollistaa opiskelun ilman opintolainojen taakkaa tuleville lääkäreille New Yorkissa.

New Yorkin Albert Einsteinin lääketieteen korkeakoulu tekee lääketieteen opiskelusta ilmaista, kiitos uskomattoman 1 miljardin dollarin lahjoituksen Ruth Gottesmanilta, entiseltä tiedekunnan jäseneltä ja hallituksen puheenjohtajalta. Lahjoitus katkaisee opintomaksujen ketjun ja sai osan yleisöstä kyyneliin Ruth Gottesmanin esitellessä sen tarkoitusta opiskelijoille ja henkilökunnalle. Tulevaisuuden lääkäreiden opiskelu on nyt helpompaa, kun opiskelijoiden ei tarvitse kantaa opintolainojen taakkaa. Lahjoitus on yksi suurimmista koskaan tehdystä koulutuslaitokselle Yhdysvalloissa. Albert Einsteinin lääketieteen korkeakoulu ilmoitti, että kaikki opiskelijat saavat ilmaisen opetuksen elokuusta 2024 alkaen, mikä on historiallinen askel lääketieteellisen koulutuksen saavutettavuudessa.

Vuonna 1924 intialainen fyysikko Satyendra Nath Bose kirjoitti Albert Einsteinille ratkaisseensa ongelman kvanttifysiikassa, joka oli aiemmin tuottanut vaikeuksia suurelle ajattelijalle. Tämä osoittaa, kuinka monipuolinen ajattelu voi johtaa suuriin saavutuksiin tieteessä ja innovaatiossa. Ruth Gottesmanin lahjoitus Albert Einsteinin korkeakoululle ei ainoastaan helpota tulevien lääkäreiden kouluttamista taloudellisesti, vaan myös korostaa yksittäisen lahjoittajan vaikutusta koko koulutusjärjestelmään.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

New York City medical school goes tuition-free thanks to $1 billion ... (NBC News)

Ruth Gottesman announced the gift and its purpose to students and faculty at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Monday, bringing some in the audience to tears ...

$1 Billion Gift Covers All Tuition At Albert Einstein College Of ... (Kaiser Health News)

The gargantuan donation comes from Ruth Gottesman, a former faculty member and board chair. The Wall Street Journal notes that tuition fees alone at the ...

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Image courtesy of "InvestmentNews"

Next-gen medics to study free as Ruth Gottesman donates record $1 ... (InvestmentNews)

A record-breaking act of philanthropy has ensured that future doctors studying at a New York medical school will do so without the burden of student loans ...

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Image courtesy of "Democracy Now!"

Former Professor Donates $1 Billion to Albert Einstein College to ... (Democracy Now!)

Ruth Gottesman's donation is one of the largest ever made to an educational institution in the U.S. The 93-year-old, who studied learning disabilities and ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo News UK"

Students at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Cheer as Free ... (Yahoo News UK)

The Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York announced on February 26 that all students will receive free tuition starting in August 2024, ...

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Image courtesy of "NewsNation Now"

NY med school announces free tuition for students after $1B donation (NewsNation Now)

Ruth Gottesman, chair of the Einstein Board of Trustees and Montefiore Health System board member, donated $1 billion to the school. “This donation radically ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Albert Einstein College of Medicine to offer free tuition after billion ... (

Students at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York will receive free tuition after a $1 billion dollar donation from a former faculty member.

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Image courtesy of ""

When Bose wrote to Einstein: the power of diverse thinking ... (

In 1924 an Indian physicist called Satyendra Nath Bose wrote to Albert Einstein saying he had solved a problem in quantum physics that had stumped the great ...

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Image courtesy of "The Jewish News"

Jewish philanthropist gives $1 billion to Albert Einstein College of ... (The Jewish News)

Ruth Gottesman, who is part of a prominent Jewish family that has donated to many organizations, including Yeshiva University, is supporting students at ...

Billion-dollar gift makes tuition free at NY medical college (Inside Higher Ed)

A $1 billion donation to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx borough of New York City will pay tuition for all of its students, ...

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Image courtesy of "WLS-TV"

Einstein medical school in NY to offer free tuition for all students after ... (WLS-TV)

The donation marks the largest made to any medical school in the United States. It was made by 93-year-old Dr. Ruth Gottesman, the chair of the Einstein Board ...

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Image courtesy of "WTVM"

Medical students shocked to hear their school will now be free ... (WTVM)

Students at a New York ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Albert Einstein College of Medicine goes tuition-free thanks to $1 ... (

Ruth Gottesman, a 93-year-old woman, announced her $1 billion donation in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine auditorium, bringing students and faculty ...

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Image courtesy of "Livemint"

New York's Albert Einstein medical school students don't need to ... (Livemint)

A New York medical school eliminates tuition fees with a $1 billion donation, making it one of the largest gifts to an educational institution in the US.

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Image courtesy of "WDBJ7"

Medical students shocked to hear their school will now be free ... (WDBJ7)

Students at a New York ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Students at Albert Einstein College of Medicine see 'beacon of hope ... (BBC News)

After a former professor donated $1bn the Bronx school, students see hope for expanding access to a medical education.

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Image courtesy of "KFVS"

Medical students shocked to hear their school will now be free ... (KFVS)

Students at a New York ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

$1B donation makes New York medical school tuition free and ... (ABC News)

Students at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine say they can give up their part-time jobs, focus on their studies and reconsider the kind of medicine ...

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Image courtesy of "WEAU"

Medical students shocked to hear their school will now be free ... (WEAU)

Students at a New York ...

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

How a $1 billion gift could transform a Bronx medical school (Axios)

The donor, Ruth Gottesman, is a pediatrician who spent her career at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx.

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Image courtesy of "WCAX"

Medical students shocked to hear their school will now be free ... (WCAX)

Students at a New York ...

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

This New York medical school will no longer charge tuition—here ... (CNBC)

The New York medical school joins several other institutions that offer free tuition for students looking to earn their MD.

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Image courtesy of "Bronx Times"

'Worthy cause': Bronx Albert Einstein College of Medicine receives ... (Bronx Times)

The Bronx's own Albert Einstein College of Medicine received the largest medical school donation in the country this week, which will guarantee that no.

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Image courtesy of "Caltech"

Watson Lecture: Diana K. Buchwald Reveals Details from Albert ... (Caltech)

In this Watson Lecture, Diana K. Buchwald, Robert M. Abbey Professor of History and director and general editor of the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech, ...

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